Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Le Polaroid de la semaine: Huitième Semaine!

 Rouen, France
(Site of the burning of Joan of Arc!)
Besides visiting museums, I did a lot of window shopping, which in French is 
"faire du lèche-vitrine" which translates literally to licking windows. 
I like that better than window shopping. 

That is me, on the bottom right hand side.  You can see my little white hat. 
I am admiring a shop that sells sculptures as well as teaches sculpture classes.  
People just come in when they can to work on their art! 


  1. Hey ! How was Rouen? ;-)
    Ready for Morocco ? Enjoy the sun !
    We are going tomorrow for the Alpes, hope it's gonna be nice and fun !
    Take care les Biger et faites un peu de lèche vitrine à Marrakech... Emilie.

  2. mmmm....Wiinnddoowws
