Friday, April 27, 2012

We are very behind in blog updates...this is what happens when a child becomes mobile.  There is little time to blog between work, school, housekeeping, and telling a child: "NO- do not eat the cat. No- you cannot eat that onion. No- you should not throw yourself off the couch."

Over Spring break we were lucky to visit France and introduce Maximilian to his family! It was a fabulous week with good weather, great dinners, and lots of exploring.  Here is a link to our album (more picture to come).

A few favorites:

 First flight, sound asleep.

Mami, and the new airplane toy!
Loving Aunt Sophie

Practicing Standing
Crusing the Museum with Mam Goz

 Medieval Chateau avec Grandpere, Grandmere and Papa
Mathilde and Max meet!
I love this face. 

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Cousin Battle

PJ and Max have started to acknowledge each other...

Hopefully they will hug soon and stop sticking their fingers in one another's nose!

Morning Commute

FINALLY!  Snow!  Makes the morning commute even better.

At night, as well.  Maximilian sleeps soundly with a grin on his lips.


Thursday, January 12, 2012


Here is proof of the progress:

Coming of the speedy man himself!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I Love Jack Mayer!

Who doesn't? 

My charming and wonderful Grandfather celebrated turning 80 last week with family and friends- and with pie of course.   Some of you readers may know that I am named after Jack Mayer, and that he was the first person to hold me when I was born.  This is one heck of a man- he has always respected each of us as individuals and encourages us ladies that we can do anything we want, and to learn to do it ourselves.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas Joy

We had a wonderful family-filled holiday season.  
Below are some of our favorite photos from Christmas.
Joyeux Noël!

Dreaming of sugar plums...